1 John 1:8; “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”
Throughout my life I have encountered many people that say they have not sinned. Obviously, when they say that, I know that they have never read the Bible, especially where it teaches us the “Ten Commandments.” First of all, let me say this, “They are not the Ten Suggestions, they are commands from God that we are to obey.” Not only are there “Ten Commandments,” but there are also another six hundred and twenty five or more scattered throughout the scriptures. Then there are those that say, they don’t believe in God or the Bible. Let me once again explain something very clearly, it doesn’t matter what they believe, Gods Word is true and inherent and everybody else is wrong. Everybody will end up in one of two places once we pass from this life to the next. Heaven or hell, there are no other options. Believe, and go to heaven, reject, and go to hell. Quite clear if you ask me. Anything else that you believe is wrong. Unfortunately, most people will not know that until it is too late.
Now, let me explain the title of today’s message. First of all we have to know that we are all sinners, before we can understand our need for a Savior. For those that say they have not sinned, I'm going to go over the “Ten Commandments” in more detail.
1). Exodus 20:2-3; “I am the LORD your God, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.”
This is not just referring to gods like Allah, Buda, or any other false gods of the world, although they still do apply to this commandment. It goes a lot deeper. Anything that you own or place higher that your relationship with Jesus Christ is considered a god. i.e., your car, your home, your spouse, or anything else that you cling to in this world that takes you away from God. I believe we are all guilty of this in one way or another. No one can claim exemption from breaking this commandment. There are obviously those that are much guiltier than others. There are many who fall into this category without even knowing it. Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have any fun, just make sure that you include Jesus in all you do. Invite Him along wherever you go or whatever you do. Jesus should be number one on a list of one, not number one on a list of one hundred. He should not be linked to any category that includes man. He stands alone.
2). Exodus 20:4-6; “You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my Commandments.”
This one is going to upset a lot of people when they understand what this is referring too. Nobody knows what Jesus Christ looks like, so every time someone paints a picture or erects a stature of what they think Jesus looks like, it should not be bowed down to or idolized or even placed in a religious establishment for that matter. This is definitely considered a graven image. If you have a statue or painting of any Christian figure in your church that you idolize, you fall deep into this category. I don’t think I have to mention any particular religious sect by name, because you know what Christian Sect that I am referring too. I think you get the message. There are two items which I feel are okay to display in a church and they are the “Dove” for peace and the “Cross” for salvation. They are representative of what we as Christians are to believe. The most popular graven image that I am referring to is what many believe is the Mother Mary. Mary cannot come back as an Angel because Mary herself was human. This also includes any of the Apostles of Jesus, any photo of any religious figure, such as the Pope, or any other object that is looked at as an item of worship. Anything that you have hanging around your house or church that you regard as a religious symbol is a graven image, unless, once again, it is a cross or a dove. If you have statues around your house or yard that you hold as something that you worship, take remove them. I can go as far as to say this, if you have a statue of the cross with Jesus on it, that is also a graven image, it is not Jesus on the cross that you are bowing down to. It is a carved image made by man. A good rule is this, if it is created by man, it is a graven image, if it is created by God, it is the real thing. One more thing that is being worshipped is all these apparitions of so-called Angels which includes what they believe are apparitions of Mary, Our lady of Fatima as they refer to it as, and any other Angel that comes down preaching a different message than with the Bible teaches. I’m going to share a few verse that validate what I just said.
Here are a couple of scriptures that is referring to what I am saying. Paul is warning Christians in his congregation not to listen to anyone who brings a different message other than what the Bible teaches and tries to distort the truth, therefore misleading them.
Galatian 1: 8; “However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond the good news we declared to you, let him be accursed.”
We also read in; 2 Corinthians 11:14; “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”
If you are visited by an Angel that appears to be from God, know this, it is most likely not from God. But you won't know for sure if you haven't read and understood the Bible. If you get visited from a past family member or loved one, also know this, It is a demonic being that is appearing as a loved one or an Angel of light. It could very well be Satan himself, as the verse that I just read says. I will give you a perfect example:
John 2:5; “His (Jesus’s) mother (Mary) said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
Now, let’s hear what Jesus has to say in the next verse. “Isaiah 9:6,”For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
The Bible states that there will be no world peace, until the Prince of Peace returns! Despite the promise of men and women to make things better under a prescribed leadership, the world will continue in a downward spiral, until Jesus (The Prince of Peace) appears at His second coming at the end of the tribulation period. This will continue in a downward spiral due to the world operating under the dictation of certain people and not God’s Holy Spirit.
Now, what seems to be the main message that these apparitions bring to earth? They are all making the claim that we need to usher in this great Utopia so Jesus can return. This goes against everything that Jesus taught, but yet there are millions of people that are buying into this lie. Especially a couple of the denominational churches in America. Jesus very plainly said that there would be no peace until He (Jesus) returns.
Matthew 24:22; “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
Here, Jesus is referring to the end of the tribulation period. Does it sound like Jesus will be returning to a peaceful world, not hardly! But once again, most of the churches of today teach this deceptive doctrine.
I believe you get the point, so let’s move on the rest of the commandments.
3). Exodus 20:7; “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”
This is another one that is so very highly misunderstood. Sure, when we use the name of God in vain, like GD, or JC, or even SOB in a fit of anger, that is the most obvious form of taking the Lords name in vain, however, there is a much more subtle way that people don’t think about or consider. If you say that you are a born-again Christian and you continue living a life style that goes against the Wod of God, that is also using Gods name in vain. You are hiding behind the banner of Christianity, but walking with Satan. That is a much more destructive way of using Gods name in vain. You are misrepresenting God and sending a false message of salvation to those around you. People see you living in an unrighteous way, so they believe they can accept Jesus and then they can live the same way you are and still be saved. I see this to be more common in these days in which we live than in the past few decades, but then again, the Bible tells us this is what would happen in the end of days.
4). Exodus 20:8-11; “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.”
First of all, remember what Jesus said in Mark 2:27; “And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”
This commandment was taken way out of context by the religious hierarchy back when Jesus walked the shores of the Galilee of those days. The Sabbath was made for man to enjoy, not to use as a legalistic doctrine. The Pharisee’s wanted to kill Jesus because He did work on the Sabbath day. If Jesus went against any commandment in our eyes, then we must realize that it goes much deeper than the surface. The debate lies in what is the real Sabbath day. To the Jews it is Saturday, to the Gentiles it is Sunday. Jesus said we are to gather with likeminded Christians as often as we can, not just one day of the week. Even though I celebrate Sundays as the Lords day, it is obvious that the real Sabbath day is Saturday. Jesus said, on the last day you shall rest. The last day of the week is Saturday. But once again, we should worship Jesus everyday of the week. Those that go to church on Sunday or Saturday, whatever day they choose, think they are doing a great thing and because of it, they feel that they are going to heaven. Those same people spend the rest of the week, living in sin and doing the things that are not pleasing to God.
Hebrews 10: 24-25” says, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
The writer of Hebrews is saying that we should gather with those that that are likeminded Christians, but even more as you see the day approaching where Jesus will soon return. A little side note, we are in the end of those days that the Bible is referring too, which means we should be gathering with likeminded Christians more often, so we can lift each other up during these hard times that we are facing. We, as the Christian body need each other more than ever before. We will not get comfort from the world; the only truth that we will find is in the Bible, and this truth is only found in the comfort, safety and in the presence of Jesus Christ.
I remember back in the sixties and seventies where most business were closed on Sunday. I thought that was really a good thing, and it was. It gave families a chance to spend the day together and put aside the cares on the world. The problem started when business owners were criticized for eventually opening their business on Sunday. This was when legalism started, people started condemning those that worked on Sundays. Remember, Jesus worked on the Sabbath, and that is one of the many reasons why the religious hierarchy of those days hated Jesus. If we do things that we feel are pleasing to God, great, but do it in the name of the Lord, but not because we are forced too. God judges us by what is in our heart, not things that we do, so if we are doing something that we are forced to do, it is of no value. Jesus requires real love, not robots that follow His every command. Remember, He gave us the choice whether ore not we would love Him or not. Do you really love Jesus, or do you just know of Jesus? There is a huge difference.
5). Exodus 20:12; “Honor your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God giveth you.”
Do I really need to expand on this one? I believe that all of us at one time or another were guilty of this. Especially when we got to the rebellious ages of our teen years. I also don’t think I need to expand on the ultimate disrespect that children have for their parents in these days in which we live. When a child can go to the legal authorities and have their parents thrown in jail for disciplining them, we have gone way beyond the realm of sanity. Parents today have very little authority as to how they can discipline their children. This problem came about when divorce was running rampant, and families were split in two. A lot of the step parents were quite mean to children that weren’t theirs, in many case to the point where it was child abuse. I’ve seen this in my days. So, instead of focusing on those that were guilty of real child abuse, they laid the law down on every parent so they could not lay a hand on their children, including spankings, which is not child abuse. Children back in our days (50's, 60's and 70's) for the most part have turned out to be the salt of our society in today’s world, but a terrible thing started to happen in the eighties and beyond. Our children, because we weren't able to discipline them, decided that they could do whatever they wanted without consequences. Now, they are the ones that are taking over our country. They have no respect for family values, and they are trying to destroy family unity among those that still hold to good Christian values. Everything that was prophesied by the prophets of old regarding the end days, is coming to fruition right before our eyes, and that includes disrespect for parents as we read in the following Bible verse;
2 Timothy 3:1-5; “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”
If you haven’t been paying attention, let me enlighten you as to what is happening in our society in America today. The government is doing everything that they can to bring up our children in way that disrespects our heritage and our belief in the Bible, and even our parents. It has gone way beyond rational thinking. When our schools teach our children that socialism is a good thing, then there will be no hope for the future of America, and our world for that matter. Don’t be surprised when this happens, and it will, because we have allowed it.
6). Exodus 20:13 “You shall not kill.”
The first thing everybody will say is this, I’ve never killed anyone, but hear what Jesus has to say about this.
Matthew 5:21-22; “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca! (a worthless, empty headed man; a brainless idiot, foolish, witless) Shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.”
This one goes well beyond what is really being said here. God says, if your angry with a brother without cause, you are guilty of this commandment. The breaking of this commandment has currently gone way beyond anything that I’ve witnessed in the last fifty years. I don’t know too many family that aren’t quarrelling over something stupid. People say they wish we could have peace in our world, but yet they hate members of their own family. I guess, we are all natural born hypocrites. If you are in a situation where you are at odds with a family member, get things right with them, because the day is coming where all you may have to count on is your family. If you can’t get along with a family member, stop pushing for world peace, because you are a hypocrite in the highest sense of the word. If you think about it, this has been going on since the beginning of creation. Cain killed Abel and that was the beginning of family hatred.
We read in; 1 John 3: 15-17; “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the bretheran. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”
It’s obvious to me that we do not take the Word of God seriously to the point of understanding. We may read whats on the surface but we never dive into Gods Word with an intense study of what is really meant to be understood. Let me quickly explain why that is. We have heard it said many times that we must be Born-Again to inherit the Kingdom of God. Let me take it one step further. You will also not truly understand the Word of God unless you are Born-Again. The Holy Spirit has to indwell in you in order for you to understands anything that is written in the Bible. This is why there is so much false doctrine being taught in the churches of today, because they don’t teach that you must be Born-Again. Trying to understand the Bible without the Holy Spirit is like trying to understand physics without a physics teacher. You need someone to teach you or for the most part you will just be reading words and hoping that you understand what you are reading. This is more obvious with the Bible, without the Holy Spirit to guide you through the scriptures, you will just be reading words.
7) Exodus 20:13; “You shall not commit adultery.”
Oh boy, here is the big one that will convict each and every one of us, especially men. First of all, let me quote what Jesus had to say about this;
Matthew 5:27-28; “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Let these two verse sink in for a moment. Men, can any of you deny this accusation, not if your honest, you can’t. It doesn’t matter if you have never committed adultery in the flesh, God judges the heart, and we are all guilty of this one. It’s called human nature. This actually includes any sexual desire outside of marriage between and man and a woman. Any other acts of sex are guilty of this commandment. Deny it if you will, but when you stand before God at the White Throne Judgment, it will be too late to claim your defense. Your eternal fate will have been determined.
This is another problem in America that has gone way beyond that boundaries of righteousness. America has fallen deep into immoral wickedness. We have become the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, and for those that know anything about how God judged them, know this, this will come to America either during the rapture of the church or right after the rapture of the church. There are a lot of movies portraying what it might be like, and personally; many of them fit perfectly into what the Bible says will happen. I remember what a great Bible scholar once said, “If God doesn’t judge America soon, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” I have to believe that we are much worse than Sodom and Gomorrah has ever been. The only thing that is keeping America from being judged is the restraining force that is holding it back. For those that don’t know who the restraining force is, it is the Holy Spirit that indwells all believers. When the restrainer is taken out of the way, all hell with literally break loose on the earth. Read this promise in the following Bible verse;
2 Thessalonians 2:5-9; “Do you not remember that when I (Jesus) was still with you, I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, (The Born-Again believers) that he (Satan) may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains (The Born-Again Believers) will do so until He (The Born-Again Believers) is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one (Satan) will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,”
This is a very definitive argument against those that do not believe in the rapture of the church. I would like to know how they explain these verses away. I’m sure they have some way of explaining this away just as they do most of the scriptures of the Bible.
8). Exodus 20:15 “You shall not steal.”
This one is probably the easiest ones to live by, although, most of us at one time or another have taken something that wasn’t ours, but we haven’t made it a life style of thievery. But none the less, it is still a commandment that we need to be aware, very simple, if it isn’t yours, leave it alone. I just want to point out one more situation that I feel that this applies to. If you buy something and you notice that the cashier gave you too much money back, you should return it, it is the right thing to do. We should not prosper from someone else mistake. This is more of an issue of just being plain moral.
Here are a couple Bible verse that validate what this verse is saying;
Ephesians 4:28; “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.”
1 Corinthians 6:10; "nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
If someone has a life style of taking things that don’t belong to them, they need to turn from that sin, repent, and ask God for forgiveness, and if applicable, give back to those that you stole from and ask them to forgive you as well. If they don’t forgive you, know this, if you are sincere, God will still forgive you. No sin is so bad that God will not forgive you unless we blaspheme against the Spirit, as it says in the following Bible verse;
Matthew 12:31-32; “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.”
This also goes a little further than just taking something that doesn’t belong to you. If someone has an idea of a way to increase their finances, some invention let’s say, and he shares it with someone, and that someone runs with it and claims that idea as his own and benefits from it before the person who originally thought of it put it into action. Even though nothing tangible was taken, the idea was stolen and that person that stole it is in the wrong. Although a case like this will never hold up in court, unless there is evidence beyond a shadow of doubt to prove that the idea was the original persons idea, this person will one day stand before Jesus Christ and that sin will be applied to his judgment. In other words he will not get away with it when he stands before Jesus Christ at the “White Throne Judgement.” This is a good time to say this, “Pay up now, or pay up later.” Pay up now, your sins will be forgiven, pay up later, it will have eternal consequences, not one that you will enjoy!
9). Exodus 20:16; “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
This one is a very destructive way to destroy a person’s life. I have seen this more often than I would like to say. I have seen Christian’s bashing Christians more than any other ethnic group. It sickens me when I see the evil behind those that say that they are born-again believers and then see them slander another born-again believer because of a difference in doctrinal a belief. It is no wonder we have a hard time converting people to Christianity. I have personally been the blunt of a lot of false accusations made against be, and because of that, I have lost a lot of friends and respect from my peers. What bothers me the most is this, it was my pastor that spread lies about me, when he was guilty of everything that he accused me of doing. Needless to say, I left that church.
People are looking for reasons not to become a Christian and they are watching very closely those that say that they are Christians just waiting for them to mess up. Most People aren’t blind, they can see the hypocrisy in the lifestyles of those that say they are Christians, but yet live outside the will of God’s Word, and they don’t want any part of it. I can’t say that I really blame them. If I were not a born-again Christian based on what I see in the Christian sect, I wouldn’t want anything to do with it. Remember the saying, “if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” If people lived according to this old saying today, there wouldn’t be many people talking at all. It seems that every time I hear a conversation between a couple people, for the most part they are slandering someone’s name. I have to believe that the main reason people do this, is because if we can make someone look bad, then it might make us look better. Politicians are the worst. Instead of telling us how good they are, they focus on telling lies about their opponent to make then look bad, and you know what, it works because people are too ignorant to research the truth on their own. Which brings me to a very good point. People will slander Christians because they are too ignorant to research the truth in the scriptures of the Bible. They have never been in a church, nor have they ever opened a Bible, but yet they think they know everything. How sad it will be when they stand before Jesus at the White Throne Judgment and hear the truth from the truth maker himself, when all they had to do was open a Bible and hear the truth from God when it was readily available to them and could have made a difference in where they would spend eternity. It’s like taking a quiz and then studying it after we failed. We would most likely receive a failing grade when all we had to do was study before the test.
Here are two verse that are very clear about what happens to those that bear false witness against anybody.
Proverbs 19:5; “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.Proverbs 19:9; “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.
Here are a couple more verse that should be understood.
Proverbs 6:16-19; “These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, (A lying tongue,) Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, (A false witness who speaks lies,) And one who sows discord among brethren.”
Notice, two of these apply to the nineth commandment. I have put parenthesis around the two in reference.
Now, let’s move onto number ten!
10). Exodus 20:17; “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbor’s.”
This is one that I’m sure everybody is guilty of without a doubt. Every one of us has at one time or another wanted something that someone else owns. Once again, its human nature to want something nice that we cannot afford. If someone has a nice truck or a nice boat or something else that they worked hard for, there are a lot of people that wish they could have one just like it. There is nothing wrong with wanting something, but don’t make it an obsession. If we appear not to be happy in our present state of being, we are telling God that we are not happy with what He gave us. We feel we deserve more. Remember this, God owes us nothing, we owe Him everything. He gave us the greatest gift ever given, it’s called grace and that is more than we deserve and should be more than we should ever expect. In regards to this commandment, I feel the worse abuse of this commandment is as follows. Men, how often do you wish you had someone else’s wife or girlfriend? This is much more common that we could ever imagine. It’s not one that is easy to overcome. Men, if we are what God created us to be, by nature we are attracted to the opposite sex. The only way this one can be defeated is buy giving our lives over to Jesus Chris and live everyday according to His command. We will stray at times, but we need to get our focus on what Jesus did for us on the cross. He suffered an unbelievable death, so that we could be forgiven of all our sins. So, keep this in mind, every time we sin, we add more pain to what Jesus suffered on the cross. If we truly love Jesus like we say we do, then we would never consciously sin again. We are going to slip and fall at times, but we always need to get our focus back on Christ. Let me sum this one up by saying this. Accept what you have, because everything that you have is a gift from God and if you wish to have something that isn’t yours, then you are showing God disrespect and you are unappreciative of what He has given you. If you have a good wife, praise the Lord with all you heart!
Proverbs 31:10-15; “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands. She is like the merchant ships; She brings her food from afar. She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants.”
If you found a virtuous wife, give thanks to God every day, and treat her like she is a gift from God, because she is. I know I got a little off track on this one, but I needed to share this very important message, because in today’s world, the world is trying to destroy the family and they start out by dividing marriages in two. Then the children get confused, and we find ourselves in a world of chaos, just as was prophesied thousands of years ago. Men, women, stay the course that God put us on, because I believe He is coming to take us out of this God forsaken world and take us home. Remember, this is not our home, we are just passing through. We are just sojourners in a foreign land.
Now, as we have migrated through the Ten Commandments, there should be no excuse for thinking that we are without sin. So, now, if we still feel that we are without sin, our fate has most likely been sealed for all eternity, but if we realize now that we are all sinners, and we want to be with Jesus Christ throughout all eternity, it is now time to repent of our sins and give our lives over to Jesus Christ.
We read this verse in James 5:16; “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
We also read this verse in 1 John 1:9; “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
So, you see that there is no excuse for not receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, unless you prefer to exist outside of Gods Kingdom for all eternity. You can make that choice today and be saved because now you know that you are a sinner in need of a Savior. His name is Jesus Christ and He is at the door waiting for you to let Him in.
You can say in the privacy of your own home the following prayer, or pray it as a group.
Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.
Remember what the following Bible verse has to say; Matthew 7:14; “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
I personally see it getting fewer and fewer every day based on what I am witnessing in the sect of Christianity. I wish I were wrong, but if I understand the Bible the way it is written, few means a few. Please make sure that you are one of the few!
And Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.”
God bless you all and take care!