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"Are you a Weapon in Satan's Arsenal?" - Author and Writer Ronald Nelson

Writer's picture: Ronald NelsonRonald Nelson

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

Good evening everyone and welcome to tonight's video.

The Bible Meditation comes from 1 John, 3: 8; "He who sins is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil."

Encouraging Word:

The first question that I need to ask you is this, are you a weapon of Satan, or, are you a weapon of God. There is no middle ground. You're all in with one or the other. Every person that has existed and those that are alive today have served, or are serving one of two masters, whether you choose to believe it or not.

I'm going to cut right to the chase on this topic. You may say, I go to church, I believe in God, I take communion or the Eucharist as the Roman Catholics refer to it. You may fulfill all the sacraments required of you, and you may say, I follow all the do's and the don'ts of my denomination. You may also say, I've been baptized, I've been confirmed into the Lutheran or Catholic Church, and I'll say right up front, all that is very nice but, let me tell you this, it has nothing to do with your salvation. And what is the most misunderstood word in all that I just said. "I" I did this, I did that, I do this and I do that. You can't do anything to earn salvation, so if you believe you are saved because of the religion that you belong to, or, you follow all these rituals that you are told to take part in, you will be very unhappy when you stand before Jesus Christ at the "White Throne Judgment." Satan wants you to believe you can earn salvation because he knows that salvation comes by Grace through faith and not by works.

Let me go back to today's Bible Meditation where it says, "He who sins is of the devi, for the devil has sinned from the beginning." Let me explain something very important here so you do not misunderstand this Bible verse. We are all sinners from the day that we were born because of what took place in the Garden of Eden six thousand years ago. At that point when man fell out of fellowship with God, Satan owned every human soul. Our blood became a symbol of sin. There is nothing that we could ever do to reconcile ourselves back to God. We were all destined to go to hell, no exceptions. Right after Adam and Eve fell out of fellowship with God, they noticed that they were naked and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. This was Man's first attempt to cover sins. When God had seen that they were naked, He made for them coats of skins and clothed them.

We read this in Genesis, 3: 21; "The Lord God made coats of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them."

Notice, God made them coats of skins, not Adam and Eve. God had to provide this temporary atonement for sin, but know this, it was only temporary until God Himself came to Earth in a personage of Jesus Christ to pay for the sins of the world. Because Jesus was the Spotless Lamb of God, He was the only one who could remove sin permanently, but until Jesus died and rose again from the dead, animal sacrifices were a temporary solution for the atonement of sin for the Jewish people. Sin could only be covered by the shedding of innocent blood, so, for four thousand years sin was manifested in every human being that lived. Therefore from that point on, God required animal sacrifices to provide a temporary covering of sins, which was a foreshadowing of the perfect and complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Animal sacrifice was an important ritual throughout the Old Testament scriptures, because without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

We read in Hebrews, 2: 22; "In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness."

When Adam and Eve sinned, animals were killed by God to provide clothing for them, just as we read in Genesis, 3: 21. God commanded the Nation of Israel to perform numerous sacrifices according to certain procedures prescribed by God. First, the animal had to be spotless. Second, the person offering the sacrifice had to identify with the animal. Third, the person offering the animal had to inflict death upon it. When done in faith, this sacrifice provided a temporary covering of sins. This is very important to understand. This procedure was done as a temporary covering of sins, until Jesus Christ became the ultimate and perfect sacrifice. Remember, it did not remove the sin, it just covered it until Jesus paid the price for sin once and for all to those who would receive His free gift of grace.

John the Baptist recognized this when he saw Jesus coming to be baptized and said in John, 1: 29; ."Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."

And once again, another prophecy that was yet to be fulfilled at that time. You may be asking yourself, why animals, what did they do wrong? To tell you the truth, I pondered that question quite often myself. That is the point, since the animals did nothing wrong, they died in place of the one performing the sacrifice. Jesus Christ also did no wrong, but He willfully gave Himself to die for the sins of mankind, our Perfect, Spotless Lamb of God who lived a perfect sinless life. Jesus Christ took our sins upon Himself and died in our place.

As we read in; 2 Corinthians, 5: 21; it says, "God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God through faith in what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, we can receive forgiveness."

Let me ask you this question. Does it say anything about works? Absolutely not! It clearly states that we are saved through faith in what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. It's called Grace, a free gift given to all who would accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and become Born Again into the Holy Spirit. And once again, let me share this very important verse that is very seldom mentioned in any of the denominational churches.

It's in John, 3: 3-8; "Jesus answered and said to him, most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to Him, how can a man be born when he is old. Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born again. Jesus answered, most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God, that which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit of spirit, Do not Marvel that I said to you, you must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it and cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes, so is everyone who was born of the spirit."

In these last Bible verses that I just read, Jesus said, you must be born again three times. If you are not taught that you must be born again to be saved and enter into the kingdom of God, I would suggest that you find a church that teaches the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse, so you get the whole counsel of God, not just the verses that your Priest or Pastor feel they understand. Now, let me explain why I gave this message of sin and how sin entered mankind. You need to understand that we are all sinful beings. None of us can declare that we have never sinned. So without repentance and forgiveness, you will remain in that state until you die, and if you die in your sins, you will perish into the Lake of Burning Fire for all eternity as the Bible declares.

Romans 6:23; "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

This verse is referring to the second death that will come to all who have rejected Jesus Christ and his propitiation for your sins. Barring the Rapture, we will all die the first death, but it is the second death that will send you to your permanent destination for all eternity, which will be the "Lake of Burning Fire". Those that have become born again will not suffer the second death, they will enter into the Heavenly Kingdom of God for all eternity. And this is why I say, "If you are born once, you die twice, if you are born twice, you die once." And why is this so hard for people to understand. Here's the main point that I want to make with this message. Satan already knows he is a defeated foe, but he has one more scheme in his arsenal of weapons. His focus is to get as many people as he can to believe all the lies that are circulating around our world, and I don't just mean those that are not of the church. The most dangerous lies are coming straight from the pulpits of America.

In John, 8: 44; we read, "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."

In case you don't know who Jesus is speaking to, it is the religious hierarchy of that day. They are the Pharisees who were the religious of the religious in those days. They were the most religious. They felt they could fulfil the law, and if they were perfect in their obedience, they would go to heaven, but God, Jesus rebuked them for that belief. God is also saying this to the religious hierarchy of today. Every time Satan destroys another Soul, Satan cheers and the Holy Spirit of God Mourns, and yes we can cause God to cry. Even though Satan knows he is defeated, he wants to bring as much pain and sorrow to God as he can. See, God loves us so much that when we chose to serve Satan it pains him beyond anything that we can imagine.

Now, let me put this into Focus why I chose this particular message for today. Let me ask you a question. If you and I were perfect strangers standing on a corner and someone came by in some kind of vehicle and aimed a gun at you to kill you, but I jumped in the way and took the bullet for you, how would you feel about me? I would hope you'd feel a debt of gratitude where you would most likely want to get to know me and become a good friend. Maybe, maybe not, these days in which you live who can really tell anymore. We are living in a very cold world!

So, let me introduce to you someone who did take a bullet for you, His name is Jesus Christ. He suffered a death that was meant for you and I, but He willfully went to the Cross, suffered the most horrific death known to man and died, then He rose again on the third day according to the scriptures and ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God the father making intercession for his children, and those are the born-again Believers.

We read in Isaiah, 52: 14; "Just as many as were astonished at you, so His visage (Appearance) was marred more than any man. And His form more than the sons of man."

Jesus was beaten so badly, that He was unrecognizable as a human being. He did this for you and I, and all He asks for in return is our love and to fellowship with Him. And here's my point, if you reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are putting another arrow in Satan's quiver of evil, and you should be absolutely ashamed to do that to the one who paid for your sins and saved you from eternal damnation, providing you accepted His propitiation for your sins. Remember, you make the choice, not God.

Here is His wish as we read in 2 Peter, 3: 9; "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but his long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

See, the Lord wishes all would come to repentance, but as we read in a following verse, this will not be the case.

Matthew 7:13-14; "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is a way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate, difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."

If you read that last part of verse 14 where it says a few, that should be a concern for everybody who thinks works can save you. "Few will be who find the way". Few means a few. Think of Noah's Ark, eight people made it, that's a few, and I'm not saying eight people are going to be saved, but, just so you get the idea of what a few is, a few is a few. So when you stand before Jesus at the White Throne Judgment, don't blame Jesus because of your choices that you made. He did everything He could to save you from Eternal damnation. He will not find any joy in sending you to where you chose to spend eternity. There will, however, be one very happy person when you get sent to the Lake of Burning Fire, and who do you think that might be. None other than Satan, the one you chose to serve. Jesus loves you and wants to spend eternity with you, and Satan hates you and wants you to burn in hell for all eternity. Who do you want to please? So, let me ask you this question again, are you a weapon in Satan's Arsenal? Think about it long and hard, your eternal fate lies in the midst of what you choose. Where you end up depends totally on you.

And here are two more verses that I need to share for those that don't believe that you can hurt God. We find this first one in Luke, 19: 41-42; "Now as he drew near, He (Jesus) saw the city and wept over it saying, if you had known, even you especially in this your day the things that make for your peace, but now they are hidden from your eyes."

Ephesians, 4: 29-30; "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."

It says, do not grieve the Holy Spirit. You can grieve, (which means that you can bring sorrow in anguish to) The Holy Spirit.

Let me end with this. I don't know when Jesus will return, and nobody does, but God has given us certain signs to watch for that will come to fruition just before He returns, and after studying the Bible and Bible prophecy for about thirty years, I can say without hesitation, all the signs that we were told to watch for are happening as we speak. The point that I want to get across is this, don't wait another day to give your heart to Jesus Christ, he could come very soon, and when He does come and you haven't yet made that choice to serve Jesus Christ, it will be too late, and you will be cast into the worst time in human history. A time that Jesus tried to keep you from entering. Let me remind you one more time what Jesus had to say about this event that is on the very near Horizon.

Matthew, 24: 21; "For them shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

Do you want to be here for this seven year period, I don't! You don't have to be either. So please join me for a one-way ticket to Paradise by receiving Jesus Christ today. And this is why I do these videos. It is to bring hope to all those that I love and care for and if you are reading to this message, I am speaking to you and so is the Holy Spirit of God.

So now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding Joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power, both now and forever, Amen!

God bless you and all you do and take care!

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